Friday, September 23, 2005

"Shelter from the Storm", URGENT

I am very proud of two offers I just received from my classmates, Tiana Sanford and Christina Miller.

Christina has offered room at her house which is in Conroe - map. This is a key location for people who need to leave but may not have made it out of Houston. Email me at adamsblock {at} hotmail {dot} com for details and contact info.

This offer is good for ANYONE STUCK ON I-45 NORTH

Tiana also has space at her parents home in Fort Worth, for anyone who has gotten out of town, but may not have anywhere to go. Email me at same address from above paragraph.


At 11:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adam, because I know you love an intellectual challenge and because you are a good Jew boy like Bobby Zimmerman, I challenge you to use the relevant (or semi-relevant) title of a Dylan song for each of your new Rita posts. Perhaps this challenge will help keep your mind off the fact that A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall.

At 12:08 AM, Blogger Adam said...

I do relish the challenge, but I think you know I don't need the attached list of Dylan titles.

The interesting question will remain whether this comment was actually placed by Mark Nathan, or one of the many well-known Mark Nathan impersonators.

For the benefit of our fellow readers, I will point out that the appellative "Jew Boy" used above was not simply a poor choice of words blowing in an idiot wind, it is a reference to the backup band of Country singer and future(?) A-N client, Kinky Friedman.

At 12:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For any casual observer who may have been unnerved by my appellative, all I can say is, I was speaking Jew-2-Jew; which, coincidentally, is the name of MY new band.

Adam, I suggest you hold "High Water" (featuring, of course, the lyric "George Lewis told the Englishman, the Italian and the Jew...") in reserve until at least Sunday morning.

At 3:08 AM, Blogger القمر السعودى said...

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